18:00-18:15 opening Prof. Jaqueline Berndt, Stockholm University18:15-18:45 Presentation 1: Mr. Elias Georges (Mayor of Motala Municipality) “My journey from refugee to become mayor of the municipality of Motala”
19:05-19:20 Q & A
19:20-19:40 Presentation 3: Ms. Tomoko Ishii [former refugee officer at Amnesty International Japan] “Refugee issues in Japan”
19:40-20:00 General discussion
・Chair of Japanology at the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies, Stockholm University
The Swedish municipality Motala (http://start.motala.se/) is running a policy called “Growth via diversity” led by mayor Mr. Elias Geroges who himself moved from the war in Lebanon in 1980 and came to Sweden a refugee when he was 9 years old. Mr. Georges will share his experiences from refugee to becoming the mayor of Motala. Furthermore Mr. Jan Holmberg, development manager in Motala Municipality, will speak about growth through diversity and more specifically Motala’s work with integration and refugee reception.
Integration of immigrants, refugees to begin with, and relatedly cultural diversity are vital for Japan as well.
Our seminar aims at discussing these issues under the heading of “Growth via diversity” from both Swedish and Japanese perspectives.
Profiles of the speakers:
Presentator 1: Mr. Elias Georges
Came to Sweden from Lebanon 1980 at the age of 8 years old as a refugee. Pol. mag. from Linköping University (International relations). After working at several governmental organizations, became local politician. Vice chairman of Motala municipality council until 2014. Since 2014 chairman of the city council (mayor) of Motata.
Presentator 2: Mr. Jan Holmberg
Development manager of Motala municipality. Works with strategical issues for the management of Motala municipality. Main concern is development of the city organization, and development for the better city to live and work in. Lokala utvecklingsprogrammet LUP (local development program) to attain political goals during this period (2015-18) is an important part of responsibility.
Presentator 3: Ms. Tomoko Ishii
Engaged in asylum-seekers and refugees in Japan as a refugee/legal officer at Tokyo-based NGOs, such as Amnesty International Japan and Japan Association for Refugees, during 2006 and 2012.
Chair: Kazuhiko Kawasaki (Proj
Technical Support: Jorunn Nilsson (amanuensis, SU)
Most welcome!